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As an artist I produce large scale paintings, that explore shape and colour in the world through a process of abstraction. My intention is to create paintings that are joyful and exuberant, using vibrant colours that are almost childlike in nature.
By isolating poignant shapes from my surroundings, I am able to manipulate them into motifs in order to create playful compositions that evoke joy and a bold presence in the varied spaces they inhabit.
Within my practice I explore the dichotomy between digital and analogue and the translations between these two formats. I investigate the dialogue created between various shapes, colours and compositions. One of the key questions I have been exploring is how can I recreate this dialogue between the digital and the analogue, through the medium of paint.
Via the use of geometric forms and un-modulated colour, I have begun to generate a collection of paintings that are aesthetically enjoyable and have the ability to impress and overwhelm the viewer with a sense of pleasure and nostalgia.”

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